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Code of Conduct

The intention of this document is to establish clear and acceptable behavior expectations for Dawson City Golf Course members, guests, and employees. It is not intended to restrict the rights of anyone but rather to ensure that all members, guests, and employees can expect to be treated with respect while playing or working at Dawson City Golf Course.


Code of Conduct Rules:

Only members and guests in good standing are entitled to use the clubhouse, golf course, or grounds. The rights of any member to the privileges of the Club shall coexist with the period of his or her membership. The Club deems that all members, upon election to the Club, have given their consent to be bound by the by-laws and rules of the Club; both to the restrictions and the penalties imposed.


Board of Directors / Committees

The Board of Directors, the Management of the Club, and the various committees appointed by the Board will deal with all matters pertaining to the conduct of the members, shareholders, operations, and employees.

All members and players will:

  •  Conduct them self in a sportsmanlike manner and will not knowingly cheat, throw clubs, disrespect volunteers, officials or fellow competitors.

  • Not use or have an association with illegal drugs.

  • Respect the Golf Course and facilities.

  • Respect the rights of other players and golf course staff.

  • Will not physically or threaten physical abuse, verbally abuse, or slander others.

  • Refrain from disciplining other members or staff.

  • Follow all rules as prescribed annually by the Board of Directors.

  • Obey the legal laws of the land.


If you are involved in or observe any breaches of the above, please follow these procedures:

  • Fill out an incident report form, available at the counter.

  • The General Manager will contact you and the other involved Member(s) / Guest(s) to review the situation.

  • The Club will ask the appropriate Committee Chairs for input and feedback with regard to the disciplinary action.

  • The Club will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors for any offences that require formal disciplinary action, up to and including suspension of privileges, involvement of appropriate legal authority and/or expulsion from the Club as detailed in the By-Laws.


The Club asks every Member/Guest to respect their fellow Members, Guests, our staff and our premises.

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© 2024 Dawson Golf Association

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